These pages contain images that I cannot directly associate with a particular person. From D. A. Pavely's album
This was a large photograph in a prominent position within Pavely's own album. I expect it was of particular significance but unfortunately cannot identify the modeller - although it's almost certain that the model is a Pavely Compressed Air driven aircraft. Note the youngsters with their 'hoops'. Simple pleasures in those days!
Note: I have subsequently discovered pictures in another album that lead me to believe this was taken at a TMAC meeting on Wimbledon Common on 1st May 1930. Press were apparently present on that day and the mystery aeromodeller MAY be Herbert Dowsett who was present on that occasion with his 'Dowsett Hawk-Special'. This is NOT that aircraft but that does look very like Mr. Dowsett.
Note: I have subsequently discovered pictures in another album that lead me to believe this was taken at a TMAC meeting on Wimbledon Common on 1st May 1930. Press were apparently present on that day and the mystery aeromodeller MAY be Herbert Dowsett who was present on that occasion with his 'Dowsett Hawk-Special'. This is NOT that aircraft but that does look very like Mr. Dowsett.
Wimbledon Common, 1st March 1930 - T.M.A.C. meeting
And this is why I believe the previous picture MAY be of Herbert Dowsett. This picture was taken at the meeting on Wimbledon Common in March of 1931 where Dowsett was present with his Hawk-Special petrol driven model. The meeting had considerable Press coverage.
Wimbledon Common, 1st March 1930 - T.M.A.C. meeting
They all seem very interested in something going on to the left of the picture - shielded by the crowd! From other photographs of the occasion it MAY be Herbert Dowsett with his 'Hawk-Special'. See 'DOWSETT' in the 'PEOPLE' section. And you can see the result of the filming here!