Pictures of J B Allman's original "Grasshopper" 1934 Wakefied Cup winning model.
Pictures were taken in 2021. The model was sent from Allman in South Africa to Alwyn Greenhalgh for restoration many years ago. I am told that it appeared to have been deliberately tampered with during transit and this explained the very poor state of repair when it reached 'The Commander' in England. Apart from some very minor damage to the covering - since repaired - and the absence of the rear motor peg the model is ready for flight.
Inside fuselage from front
Complete fuselage
Rear fuselage - Tailplane mounting area
LEFT is the nose gearing section - with Prop attached. Meticulously constructed.
Nose section with labels
Assembled rear area
Tail section with labels
Undercarriage. Very complicated but beautifully 'sprung' - once I'd figured out how it went together!