4. St. Albans 195? Ted Vanner on Left and the gentleman with the white shirt just left of centre in the background is Bert Saunders
7. St. Albans Club. The lake was lowered for The Club which is why only Waders were needed. Bert Saunders on right, Dick Mapplebeck in centre.
10. Probably Ted Vanner - despite the unfamiliar hat.
13. Model Engineer Exhibition. Vanner on the right.
16. Ledaette. 2' Steamer. Same occasion as 13.
2. On reverse of 1.
5. That's Daisy Vanner - but who is the cup winner?
8. Is that Ted Vanner in the flat cap? David Scarnell tells me that the chap sitting on the bank with his feet in the water is probably Tom Dalziel of the Bournville club. Chap looking down in front of tree may be Peter Lambert and at the back with pipe and glasses may be Dick Mapplebeck
11. Vanner again
14. The 'key' in Vanners hand was for starting the engine.
17. Vanner - but NOT a boat!
3. Looks like Ted Vanner on right. On reverse "Victoria Park, Forest Gate Regatta, May 10 1954"
6. "St. Albans" on reverse. From the left: 3d Bert Saunders, 7th Peter Lambert with 'Sea Devil', 8th. Len Curtis. From right: 4th Dick Mapplebeck, 2nd. 'Pop' Lowe with Queen Mary' (A bit of a 'heap'!) 'Pop' cycled down from The North during The Depression and stopped when he reached St. Albans!
9. Ted Vanner releasing Leda III
12. Reverse of 11.
15. Reverse of 14.
18. A 'friendly' picture with Vanner wearing the same hat as in 10.