6. (LR) 1936 “push-pull” model by RIP. The pusher prop took the model up to a great height and then the tractor prop took over for a total motor run of 120 sec.
10. (LR) Looks like a village green (amazing looking Biplane in the background!!!)
11. (LR) RIP's “The Pilot” model
12. (LR) Cruiser Pup
15. (LR) Premier Quicksilver
16. (LR) The Premier “Libra” a midwing model from 1944 that could be used as a rubber model or a glider.
17. (LR) Premier Duracadet from 1945 (on sale in 1946) 37.5” Span. 8oz.
18 I believe there is an error in the date of Rippon's Farman Pusher. It should be 1920
21 RIP bending bamboo over a dry heat source?
19 Date incorrect again (1923 should read 1920)
22. (LR) “The Premier 25” Sesquiplane from 1935. 43”span, 8oz.